We are offering group and drop-in programming, as well as community service opportunities, and one-on-one mentor matching! Email for more information on how you can join us in 2023!

Youth @ The ARMoRY

This program is on PAUSE for the 2021-2022 school year.

Youth @ the ARMoRY - which stands for “Active Role Modeling of Resilient Youth" - is a drop-in program designed to be productive, safe and fun for all participants.  The program incorporates a youth-led model in which trained Peer Leaders serve as positive role models and leaders throughout the program.  The program is open to students in middle* and high school. Youth @ the ARMoRY is held at the Armory building every Wednesday from 2:00-5:00pm.

*Students from City Hill Middle School can take the bus to the Armory building after school on Wednesdays.  

Boys Council

Boys Council is an inclusive, strengths-based group approach to promote boys' and young men's safe and healthy passage through pre-teen and adolescent years.  The Council meets a core developmental need in boys for safe, secure, and positive relationships.  Boys Council unites boys and young men and explores and challenges harmful masculinity beliefs and norms.  Engaging experiential activities, discussion, and role modeling support boys in developing healthy and respectful identities.

Boys Council is currently being offered at City Hill Middle School during flex periods and after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Contact Joe for more information. 


Youth2Youth is Naugatuck Youth Services' youth leadership council.  The group is youth-led and seeks to promote positive community change.  Youth are trained in the 40-developmental asset framework.  

Email Sarah, Prevention Program Manager, to find out how you can join our current leadership and prevention groups. 

Summer Lounge

The Summer Lounge at Naugatuck Youth Services is a Teen Center program with a safe, positive environment open for youth entering 6th grade through recent high school graduates.  Members will participate in: 

Email Joe for more information!

Girls Circle

Girls Circle is a structured support group that is designed to promote self-esteem, friendships, creativity, and empowerment. The group is meant to be a safe place for girls to learn and have meaningful relationships with peers.  We encourage girls to develop strengths, confidence, courage, to fully support their talents, academic interests, and career choices.  

Girls on the Run

Girls on the run is a self-esteem and confidence-building program.  The program strives to enhance self-esteem and relationship building.  Girls participate in a marathon along with peers and coaches.  The marathon is not a competition but rather a fun learning experience.  

Girls on the run is traditionally offered in the spring with a team at each school.

Summer Youth Employment

Naugatuck’s Summer Youth Employment Program is provides young people, age 14-21, in the Naugatuck community with paid job training and experience AND provides local businesses and organizations with energetic, young people excited to help them to achieve their organization’s goals. For many of our youth employees the Summer Youth Employment Program is their first paid job experience. Youth Employees’ performance should meet the expectations supervisors would have for regular employees. Each youth employee is assigned a job coach who does weekly check-ins with the youth employee AND work-site supervisor to support both in working through any challenges and celebrating accomplishments.

*This program is fully funded by the Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board (NRWIB).  The application timeframe is set by NRWIB and has a hard deadline after which applications are not longer accepted.

Email Gina for more information!

Future Leaders

This program is on pause for the 2021-2022 school year.

Future Leaders is a 10 week program (October - December) for 7th & 8th grade students who display leadership qualities and are able to positively influence their peers. This program meets on Tuesdays at City Hill Middle School. A late bus will be available for students after the program. 

The objectives for the program are as follows:

Juvenile Review Board

The Juvenile Review Board (JRB) is a diversionary program that focuses on restorative practices to repair harm that is done by youth instead of sending them to court for the offense.  Youth are referred to the JRB from a school-based, incident-based, or parent referral.  The JRB is an alternative approach from sending youth into the justice system, and helps families access essential supports and services.

Email Gina if you need more information regarding diversion.