We accomplish our mission & goals through:

  • building developmental assets for all
  • expanding leadership & life skills + abilities
  • diversion from the criminal justice system
  • preventing substance abuse & other risky behaviors
  • elevating platforms for youth to use their voices to advocate for themselves & others, improving the community & the world

Naugatuck Youth Services, Inc. is the designated Youth Services Bureau for the Borough of Naugatuck, Connecticut and received 501(c)3 status on July 1, 2014.

Naugatuck Youth Services, Inc. is committed to a leadership role in advocacy and action on behalf of youth development, to promote family enrichment, and a healthy community.

Our vision is to help all of Naugatuck's young people realize their potential to be healthy, resilient, and awesome.

Guiding Objectives:

  • To be a sustainable organization that is responsive to the needs of the community
  • To build & maintain a safe space in the community where all youth are valued