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About Us

Naugatuck Youth Services, Inc. is the designated Youth Services Bureau for the Borough of Naugatuck, Connecticut and received 501(c)3 status on July 1, 2014. Previously, NYS was a department of the borough.

NYS is committed to a leadership role in advocacy and action on behalf of youth development, to promote family enrichment, and a healthy community.  

Through a range of innovative programs and services, we focus on promoting positive youth development, mental health, leadership skills, and community engagement. We hold a safe, supportive environment where young people can grow, learn, and thrive. Whether through after-school activities, community events, mentoring, or youth-led initiatives, NYS is committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of the young people we serve and the community as a whole.

image of font stating Naugatuck's Young People Are healthy resilient awesome #NaugyStrong